Nutrition Coaching

*Please see my website for up to date information

I’ve always been passionate about nutrition, especially sports nutrition. In myself and my athletes, I’ve seen how just changing the little things can make a huge impact on your training and racing. Using the knowledge from my undergraduate degree in nutrition, my certification in sports nutrition (CISSN) in addition to using the knowledge gained through the International Olympic Committee’s graduate program in sports nutrition, I have the tools to help you succeed in having your nutrition work for you, instead of against you. I’ve been assisting athletes with diet analysis and race day fuel plans for the 5 years. I offer several different nutrition coaching options, depending on what your goals are. Please contact me below for more information about any of these plans.

Initial Nutrition Consultation:  (Free)-Want to know more about nutrition counseling and the different options? The initial consultation will allow you to ask any questions you may have regarding what occurs during nutrition counseling, how the process works, whether it’s right for you, and any other questions you may have regarding how I can help you.

60min Nutrition Consultation: You know you need to make some changes in your dietary habits, but aren’t sure how. This 60min consultation will allow you to ask specific questions like: how much should I be eating, how many calories do I need, when should I be eating in relation to exercise, am I getting enough protein, etc. The hour is yours to ask the questions that you need answers to, in order to help you achieve your goals. You chose the direction of the conversation.

3 Day Nutrition Analysis: If you’re looking for a way to increase your performance, have more energy, recover faster, or lose weight, doing a 3 day dietary recall will help you reach those goals. I will have you fill out a food and activity log, I will analyze your diet for calories, macronutrients, micronutrients and we will have a 60min discussion on the results. This is a base level in my nutrition coaching and can be done on its own, but must be done before moving onto 1 on 1 guidance. A 3 day dietary recall will :

  • Allow me to see what choices you are making in food selections during the day and before and after training
  • Allow me to make recommendations of changes to make in order to help you achieve your goals
  • Give you proper numbers and percentages for daily calories, macronutrients and micronutrients
  • Give you examples of specific foods and menus to follow to help you achieve your goals
  • Give you the proper tools to achieve your goals
  • Discounts for coached athletes

1 on 1 Monthly Nutrition Guidance: Optimize your nutrition with this second level of nutrition coaching. After you’ve completed the basic 3 day dietary recall, you will know what nutrition direction you need to head in to achieve your goals. Just knowing what you need to do might not be enough, especially if you’ve struggled to keep weight off, you’ve experienced GI distress while racing, or you need to be held accountable for your nutrition choices. This is a one month program. If you’d like further support and guidance, this next level is right for you. This level provides:

  • 1x/month phone call and continuous e-mail and text support
  • Review of food logs and recommendations for improvement
  • Food preferences list
  • Supplemental materials and nutrition handouts
  • Recipes and meal suggestions

Race Day Fuel Plan: After training for months for a race, not having a nutrition plan can lead to serious issues come race day. Too many athletes don’t think about their nutrition, don’t go in with a plan and that can lead to some uncomfortable race conditions. If you’ve struggled with GI issues, you haven’t raced to your potential, or you don’t know what to eat during your race, a race day fuel plan will help you. Take the guess-work out of your nutrition. This plan should be done at least 8-12 weeks prior to your “A” race in order for you to practice it, and for me to make adjustments. You will be given the choice to add-on another race distance at no charge. For example, if you are racing an IM, but also are curious about fueling for a 70.3, then I will do both. If you’re running a marathon, but also running a half marathon, I will do both. A race day fuel plan:

  • You will fill out a comprehensive questionnaire regarding allergies, intolerances, previous race issues, current nutrition products and your goals
  • We will schedule a 60min phone conversation to go over the questionnaire
  • I will provide you with specific foods and fluids to eat before, during and after your race, based on your preferences and needs. You will be given specific times at which to eat or drink
  • The plan will provide calories, carbohydrates and sodium recommendations
  • If something needs to change in the plan after practicing it, we will schedule a followup phone call or email to go over how it went and I will make adjustments as needed.
  • Discounts for coached athletes



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